I had a dream pregnancy, until the 22nd of May 2008. I went for a routine scan and the gyneacologist kept on measuring Liam's head. After measuring for the third time, she tells us that his head has stopped growing and that there is very little amniotic fluid left. You cannot explain this feeling of dread to anybody. You literally do go all cold and into shock. She then explained to us that I would need to go to the fetal assessment centre where a more thorough scan would be done. I was told to remain in bed for the remainder of my pregnancy. I could only go to the fetal assessment centre a couple of days after this doomsday visit. Gerhard put a bed in the living room for me and I literally felt as if I was dying. I was also told to drink three liters of fluid a day and so began operation hydrate that lasted for the next six weeks. I had charts on excel detailing the fluid intake. Small projects like these kept ...