Gerhard needs to attend a work dinner tonight, which means that I have to get through suicide hour all by my lonesome self. As I am sitting here typing this I am contemplating: Running away and joining the circus; Staying at work indefinitely, company secretaries have crisis hours too you know; Paying Sekai (my faithful domestic worker) to come and take care of at least half of my kids. The thing is, Liam is a big boy, he can fend for himself, Luka is an entirely different kettle of fish. She is either fine, i.e. when we get home she is not screaming like a banshee and she smiles and coo's, or we get home and she did not sleep at all during the day. At times like these she is screaming like a banshee... We then proceed to bribe / coax / threaten Liam that it is in his best interests to eat up, and then follow same tactic to get him in the bath with Luka. Luka is happy whilst in the bath, but you can set a clock to the fact that it takes all of 30 seconds...