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Showing posts from July, 2013

The state of the world we live in

Before having kids, I used to read newspapers and watch the news on TV all the time.   My current affairs were really very up to date and I knew the names of most heads of state and had insights into the economies of several states.   After having kids I know the names of all the teletubbies, I know the words to most nursery rhymes and I can recite the content of a couple of kid’s books when woken at 3am.   I also know that you need more than twenty coins to buy a house.   My knowledge of current affairs these days comes from the bits of news I can gather on the radio in the morning in between getting my brood dressed for school and most of their teeth brushed.   I also need to get myself dressed and hair blow dried, lunches packed and the like in a very limited amount of time.   Getting kids dressed really is an ungrateful job and if I do not check underneath all the winter’s clothes, I fetch Liam at school in the afternoons and see the oddest thing...

Liam turned five and we celebrated by climbing some trees

I know I sound a bit like a stuck record but how the hell did my little baby boy turn five. When did this happen and how do I feel about this? Am I happy? Sad, elated. Five years ago, we were in hospital praying that said son will not have brain damage and now he is a real little boy who makes inappropriate comments like "oh mommy I just love your pretty panty".   In true Liam style he was an absolute angel on his birthday and he wanted nothing more than some good old KFC pops for supper.   He got a crossbow from his dad and he had an absolute blast with his little friends the following day aerobranching through some trees at the Big Red Barn in Irene.   He was spoilt rotten, and I still don’t know what Sekai will do to find space for all the new toys.     I must admit…if not for the fact that I was wearing my brand new leather boots recently acquired in Dullstroom, I might have actually climbed a tree myself, it looked like a lot of fun.   Wa...