Before having kids, I used to read newspapers and watch the news on TV all the time. My current affairs were really very up to date and I knew the names of most heads of state and had insights into the economies of several states. After having kids I know the names of all the teletubbies, I know the words to most nursery rhymes and I can recite the content of a couple of kid’s books when woken at 3am. I also know that you need more than twenty coins to buy a house. My knowledge of current affairs these days comes from the bits of news I can gather on the radio in the morning in between getting my brood dressed for school and most of their teeth brushed. I also need to get myself dressed and hair blow dried, lunches packed and the like in a very limited amount of time. Getting kids dressed really is an ungrateful job and if I do not check underneath all the winter’s clothes, I fetch Liam at school in the afternoons and see the oddest thing...