It finally happened, the day we have all been dreading for a very long time happened and our dear beloved Tata Madiba passed away at home last night. I woke up to this horrible news this morning and was immediately faced with a conversation surrounding death and Madiba with my five year old Liam. To simplify matters, I explained that Madiba was the grandfather of our beautiful country and explained that he was very old and sick and at the ripe old age of 95, is now living with Jesus. Liam was fine with this and even went on to give me a hug to stop me from crying and then told me that I will be alive when he is a daddy, but when he is a grandfather, I too will live with Jesus. I then got questions relating to whether or not Jesus lives in a house? If the house looks like ours and all sorts of practicalities relating to death and living with Jesus. And I tried my utmost to deal with this in the best possible way. My local radio station went al...