So as the mother who is hardly ever there for anything, I missed (most of) the swimming galas, I missed countless athletic trials, auditions, hugs and cuddles and kisses whilst traveling, I recon we are all right and we will be all right. Liam is now almost eight and in Grade 2. He is a happy well-adjusted independent little boy who can get himself from point A to B with his own transport. He rides his bike to and from school and in the event that he forgot something at home, he just cycles back and gets it! I think we may have even passed our speech, imagine my shock and horror when I found out that some mothers pay professional speech writers R500 a pop to write an innovative on point speech, really? These are kids, speeching in front of their mates and teachers. This is not the Oscars or the keynote address at the opening of the world economic forum in Davos. I always wonder where this will end, will Liam really be better off for not being mot...