I wrote this one in 2017, a year ago and I am only getting around to publishing it now. Whilst a lot can change and has changed in a year, we still have along way to go. We went to see Johnny Clegg in his spectacular final goodbye show at Montecasino last year. What an emotional experience. We sometimes forget about the horrors of the apartheid era and what it must have been like in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s being a white man dressing up like a Zulu, performing his ikasi music. The show was quite anecdotal and reflective and Johnny describes how he met Sipho, when the latter came to Johannesburg and waited outside Johnny’s parents’ flat and asked if Johnny was “Big Ears”. You are pulled back to the dark days when black and white people were not allowed to be friends, to perform together etc. He now smiles when he tells his tales of arrest, but surely at the time nobody could have been smiling. One of the highlights ...