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Hi, my name is Niki and I am addicted to ...

Hi, my name is Niki and I am addicted to ...

It is utterly smutty, sounds like slutty, and yes, that would probably have been the right word to use too.  I do not know how or when this happened, but I am utterly in love, smitten, addicted, you can use almost any word here…and I will admit it freely.  I am utterly besotted and obsessed with Sylvia Day and EL James and their respective Crossfire, Renegade Angels and Fifty Shades trilogies. 
Yes, I am addicted to badly written books with weak plots and even weaker characters.  I have some of the books on pre-order on Amazon, and I have the release dates on my calendar.  How is it you might ask that a seemingly normal happily married mom of two becomes addicted to literature of this nature.

As with stretchmarks and loss of mental capacity I place the blame solely on the shoulders of my two kids.  My take on this, when you are a mom, wife, and hold down a steady job, you simply have no time to read true epic novels, the stuff of substance, nothing that involves more than two brain cells.  If it has more than three hundred pages, odds of me finishing it in a year or less are slim. 

Chances are that you end up reading about two minutes every night before falling asleep and making endless lists of things that must happen.  Maybe you have the opportunity to squeeze in two more pages as you wait for the kettle to boil, at the traffic lights.  You catch my drift.

It is therefore critical that whatever you read must be gripping, it must grab your attention and hold it, and let’s face it, the semi-sadistic Christian Grey is all that and more, and the heroines are all just a bit pathetic, although chances are that Ana will not be caught packing sandwiches with chocolate spread for anyone anytime soon, come to think of it I am convinced that chocolate spread in Christian and Ana’s house probably has more uses than in mine.
The Renegade Angels series was a natural fit for me and my disposition for badly written vampire literature, having been an avid reader of the Twilight series for many years, the Renegade Angels was a logical next step. 

No harm done to anyone, the only issue is that Amazon now makes all sorts of rude book suggestions for me, most of the titles not fit for moms of toddlers, or decently married folk. If they start offering free chocolate spread delivery with the books, I might just do it. 


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