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Showing posts from March, 2016

Liam the Rocker

One of the perks of my job is that I am able to work from home once in a blue moon, this of course means the world to Liam and Luka as I can pick them up from school and they don't have to walk the entire 600 meters home.   Today is again a work from home day, I was supposed to accompany the chairman on a lunch meeting.  I had a leisurely housewife start to the day by going to Crossfit at 6am instead of the normal 5am and after dropping Luka at her school's holiday programme, I spent a couple of hours working in my gym clothes, then had a bath, washed and blow dried my hair, put on make up, a suit, and as I was about to leave the house my meeting was cancelled.  So here I am sitting in my study all alone, all dressed up with nowhere to go, anyhow, I digress.  Liam is always the kid that goes to movies and out for pizza with other kids and their moms, I love these people, yesterday was no exception and a good friend took Liam along to movies an...

My advice to working mothers

Advice to working mothers is always a set of stock standard old fashioned suggestions on how to still maintain calm at home despite not being there.  These suggestions though well meant, always makes us feel rather incompetent and off balance somehow as we all try and juggle work, home, and play.  We are told to be more organised despite the fact that we already spend endless hours making lists, checking them twice, not really at that stage giving a damn whether someone has been naughty or nice, we just need to ensure that everyone gets to where they need to be almost on time with the required kit.  We are told to be present, whether at work or at home despite the fact that the last time I was fully present doing only one thing at any given time was probably when I was seventeen years old and desperately trying to do algebra.  Every single mom I know is doing at least four things at once.  Case in point, I was attending a very important meeting...