We have been rather busy the last couple of weeks, and yesterday was no exception. The afternoon ended with me actually taking a tumble down a flight of stairs (our current house has four levels), with Luka in my arms. In my desperate attempt to not fall on her, I actually hurt my neck, back and bum, so much so that I took some painkillers last night.
This morning I woke up with an aching body and a fever. I really have no idea what it up, I just feel terrible. And Gerhard reckons I am a tad on the pale side. I hope it passes soon and that it is not congo fever or arthritis or some other tropical disease.
Add to that the fact that today of all days, Gerhard has an interview, we need to return our rental car and we have no car seats for the two smalls. It was hectic, ironing shirts, pressing suits, printing resume's all whilst making sure the poor little family has lunch, Gerhard frantically installing car seats (I must point out that these cost roughly the same as the car) all against the clock.
We also looked at a rental house this morning, goodness I miss South Africa! Houses here are small, and having one bathroom, one toilet between four people seems pretty common. So the search continues...the houses are lovely though, the one we saw was on a busy street though, and we will never make that mistake again.
Excuse the ramblings, I am hallucinating...so without further ado, I will go and iron something, on the spot.
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