I love Pink, not necessarily the colour, the singer. She has spunk, she rocks and I think she is an icon for women.
Well, she has one song that gets edited quite a bit for radio, the lyrics go something along the lines of ‘leave me the f.ck alone”. I finally get it, now that I live in a household of four; actually six if you add Sekai and the cat...some days I really just want to scream and shout ‘leave me the f.ck alone’.
Let me give an example. Over weekends, we all want to chill, relax and just find a bit of peace after our mostly hectic work week. So on Saturday morning I am trying my utmost to apply some rock star purple nail polish. I am only 34 and I need to feel young again. Sleep deprivation, work stress, I just need the purple nail polish. As it is, I already only buy Rimmel quick dry, from wet to set in 60 seconds, gone in a flash right? No, a lifetime for someone living in a household filled with little people like mine...
Mommy, I want to go to the toilet, mommy, wipe my bum, mommy, I want breakfast, mommy untie the knot in my ribbon. All of this in second 0 – 15...
Mommy, why are you so mean, mommy please, I am saying phuleeze just like told me, PHULEEEEEEZE mommy, PHULEEZE come and read me a story...this in second 15 – 30.
MOOOOOMMMMMMMYYYYYY, I am hungry, I am starving, and why are you so mean, phuleeze give me some food. Seconds 30 – 45 and just as it sets, those critical last 15 seconds, Luka wakes up and starts screaming for her bottle, smudge, swear, start process all over again.
I wish they would just leave me alone for 60 seconds, is that really too much to ask?
Well, if you live in a six person household, seemingly yes. Now do not get me started on the 12.5 seconds it takes to apply make-up and do not question me when I send a 3 year old boy to school wearing a bit of blush ok...it is a means to an end.
Grin and bear it, smile and nod. Smile and nod.
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