So I have a baby book by a renowned paediatrician than recons an awake baby is learning. Luka must have an IQ off the charts already as she is awake for the major part of the day. Good grief, I hardly have two seconds to have lunch, and here I thought second kids are less demanding. Do not even get me started on the colic...I would just rather not speak about that right now, and besides, I have Bennets colic mixture on my side. I give Luka some religiously at 15h00 every day and she sleeps right through her colic spells. We let her surface over weekends, and if she still screams, we dose her again the next day. Not ideal, but hey, its really the only way for us to keep her, for Liam to love her and for me to not start drinking Jack Daniels...on the the mornings. Take today, Luka was up at 05h00, slept for maybe 10 minutes from 08h00 to 08h10, I fed her and off to gym I go. She stays with Sekai. When I return an hour later,...