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Steve, I have k word issues too my friend

Not too sure if anyone has been following the Steve Hofmeyr storm in a teacup.  To cut to the chase, Steve threatened to use the dreaded k word in the event of the hate speech case against Julius Malema not going the way of white people, i.e. if singing the infamous ANC song threatening to kill people is not declared as hate speech, Steve will go all out and release a song where the k word features.

Well as you all know, the k word is probably the most hated, racial, controversial word in the world, so Steve must feel pretty strongly to go this far.  Well Steve, we use the k word in our house too, we now use it freely, at first we were afraid (we were petrified), but we looked at each other yesterday afternoon, and Gerhard and I both started using the k word at the same time, freely, unashamedly, we just used it, let it slip. 

It was liberating I tell you, we have been avoiding this topic for close on 5 weeks now, dancing around the issue.  Looking the other way, ignoring it, but yesterday afternoon reality set in for both of us, Luka has 'koliek' (remember, we are Afrikaans).  There, I said it, the dreaded k word.

I promise you, if you never came across or had a colicky baby, you would not understand what all the fuss is about, but I promise you, Luka starts screaming like a banshee at 17h00 every afternoon, and no amount of walking, rocking, coohing, milk, gripe water, telament drops or even alcohol filled colic mixture can soothe her or make her stop.

Sekai thinks that we probably burn Luka with hot pins every afternoon, she told me all big eyed that none of her babies were ever like this, see where this is headed, she obviously thinks I have no friggen idea what the hell I am doing, white people, see, I told you this would be a racist post.

Sekai tells me Luka is hungry, this is 5 minutes after Luka's last feed.  She tells me I must hold her better, good grief.

Well, with Liam I stayed in my bedroom for 6 whole weeks, this was due to post-natal depression though, with Luka I am spending more time in the bedroom, to keep Sekai from having a nervous breakdown or being fired.

Of all the sad things happening in our house right now, the saddest though is the fact that Sekai seemingly paid me a compliment this morning, she told me I am getting nice and fat in the hips now.  Maybe I do not need her child rearing advice after all, although I do need her to cook, clean and look after my kids, what a catch 22 situation!


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