It is still school vacation - can anyone believe that the crèche shuts down for an entire month in one of the students at Liam's school looks after Liam and a friend at my house. When I got home yesterday afternoon, the caregiver tells me that she had to wake Liam up from his nap, not a good sign. He refuses to eat and the glands in his neck are swollen.
This morning at 4, I am woken from already broken pregnancy sleep by Liam standing next to my bed asking for some water. Now when this happens, you can take the thermometer and stick it in his ear and he WILL have a fever. This is usually (and was definitely at 4 this morning) followed by some vomiting. Tonsillitis, arrrgh!
Here we go again; this poor child had tonsillitis two weeks ago. This means another expensive visit to our GP that feels like a member of our family by now. More antibiotics that will upset poor Liam’s system for the next two weeks. Fever, medication, vomiting, not sleeping, not sleeping, NOT SLEEPING!
Gerhard and I believe that we have all body parts for a reason, I still have my tonsils, and his was removed by no choice of his own. We do not believe in circumcision, I have never had an operation and I am close to 34 years of age! When Liam first started school he battled with allergies, ear infections, the dreaded tonsils, and then one day I did something that goes against the grain, I took him to a highly recommended and esteemed homeopath… Good grief, what was the world coming to. But for the next year or so, Liam obligingly swallowed potions and granules and whatever else made mommy happy. Until we realised that he had outgrown these allergies.
So when a GP suggested a while back that we remove Liam’s tonsils, we were up in arms, no way, this is only a bit of tonsillitis, this too shall pass. Well after our stint this morning, I plan on walking into the doctor’s rooms later today booking Liam’s bed for this little operation, nothing can be worse that cleaning up spit and vomit at 4 in the morning, tonsils, who needs them in any event?
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