Kids say the darnedest things don't they? And usually end up saying these things at totally inappropriate times...
Take Liam as an example. He did Kindermusik until very recently. The first time we return after Luka's birth, he walks in and tells the facilitator : "Marissa, this is my sister, Luka. Luka drinks boobs, poops and sleeps."
Nice, honestly, what will people think of us when this is the sort of things we say right upfront?
Over the weekend we went to the mall to buy Gerhard some suits, men simply cannot venture out in to the big bad world of retail on their own, they need an entourage and then cannot get that everyone gets irritated...
Well, Liam and his dad are walking along an isle and spot a fairly big boned lady with a solid beehind...Liam tells Gerhard "Look daddy, her tummy is at the back". Did she hear them, hell I hope not.
The cutest thing was when he told Gerhard last week: "Pappa, you need to drive faster". Gerhard asks why. Liam replies that his bumtie hurts. Gerhard asks why. The reply: "want ek sit in hierdie flikken stoel" (because I am sitting in this friggen chair)!
Liam does not understand the art of subtlety, he told me that I am fat whilst taking a bath with me the other day, now if you have been sugar deprived for months, you would also have kicked the kid out there and then right ;)
Take Liam as an example. He did Kindermusik until very recently. The first time we return after Luka's birth, he walks in and tells the facilitator : "Marissa, this is my sister, Luka. Luka drinks boobs, poops and sleeps."
Nice, honestly, what will people think of us when this is the sort of things we say right upfront?
Over the weekend we went to the mall to buy Gerhard some suits, men simply cannot venture out in to the big bad world of retail on their own, they need an entourage and then cannot get that everyone gets irritated...
Well, Liam and his dad are walking along an isle and spot a fairly big boned lady with a solid beehind...Liam tells Gerhard "Look daddy, her tummy is at the back". Did she hear them, hell I hope not.
The cutest thing was when he told Gerhard last week: "Pappa, you need to drive faster". Gerhard asks why. Liam replies that his bumtie hurts. Gerhard asks why. The reply: "want ek sit in hierdie flikken stoel" (because I am sitting in this friggen chair)!
Liam does not understand the art of subtlety, he told me that I am fat whilst taking a bath with me the other day, now if you have been sugar deprived for months, you would also have kicked the kid out there and then right ;)
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