Yesterday was a super bleak day, occupational hazard of the company secretary, you spend your days in meetings. Yesterday’s meetings were harder than normal, horrible meetings, way too long, points that were debated much longer than normal, and add to that 4 sleepless nights, a terrible headache bordering on migraine...
All in all, a bleak day, a long day, a day that made me question my career...
So when I got home last night and read all my e-mails, I see that Liam needs a spring day crown to wear on Friday, he also needs to take a bunch of flowers as they will be handing out these flowers at the office park close to his school. So a couple of harsh words along the line of the teacher and her beeeeehind came to mind.
So after bath time, Liam and I (begrudgingly) start making flowers out of paper, we drew the outlines, made some glitter flowers, added pompoms, made a busy bumble bee, coloured, cut, used glue...
Imagine my surprise when I had fun, my headache disappeared, I smiled, sang songs. Crafts really do make you feel better. Maybe teacher Hannetjie is on to something.
Look, my flowers are not pretty, but hey, I played with glitter. I made pink flowers, a smiling bumble bee, I had fun!
I cannot wait for Teacher Hannetjie’s email next week; I sure hope we need to make something!
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