After really grappling with Luka and school, we decided to take her out of school last week Friday. In the three weeks the pretty girl spent in school, the teacher called me on two occasions to tell me that Luka is not happy, she is crying and I must please come and pick her up. I also got told at the end of almost every day, that it is a very long day for such a small little person. Bear in mind that the school hours are from 07h00 to 18h00 daily, we drop Luka at around 08h00 and I pick her up at 16h30. On two occasions, when I arrived at school, there was little Luka all packed up and ready to go, sitting in reception, and goodness, did the teacher ever give me a foul look, shame on you mommy, she is only small.
The last straw was of course when all the kids in her class were sick, and at school, so yes, another visit to the GP, Luka has tonsillitis. A course of vile antibiotics follows.
Now excuse me, because I am about to get onto my moral high horse again, ahem, here goes...
Yes, it is probably a long day for such a small person, but you sure were keen to accept my enormous deposit and monthly school fee that could feed the average South African family for a year. Add to this the fact that I needed to pay an arm and a leg for wet wipes. I could have wiped the child's bum with raw silk and it would have been cheaper.
I do not send my baby to school to enable me to go shopping, I send her to school because I need to work, so despite what you may think, I am not a horrible person for leaving her there way past the (seemingly more) acceptable hour of 14h00.
There are millions of children growing up right this minute with working mothers and they are all fine. Liam loves school, he is a well adjusted little boy and in his little world, a mommy and daddy working and spending Mondays to Fridays at school with his friends are normal. He is such a clever little thing and he is so well loved by all that he would not cope with staying at home with Sekai. He needs more. And let us face it, it is not as if daddy has a job as a pimp and mommy freelances as a 2$ hooker, so trust me, they will be ok. The money earned working days will ensure that these kids have options, can go to university, see the world. Come on, give me a break!
Goodness, I tell you the joys of the working mother.
All is at least well that ends well. Luka is now a stay at home baby, Sekai takes care of her, and Maré comes and plays with her and does some stimulation three afternoons a week. The difference in Luka is astounding, she is happy, she chats and smiles and best of all, she sleeps all through the night, on both nights that she stayed at home!
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