Jip, you guessed it, spring has sprung, winter's back finally seems broken (It will probably snow tomorrow just to keep me in check) and people all around are getting rid of their boots. Having said all of this, there are some die hards around wearing boots and jerseys today, with the mercury rising to 26 degrees, sunshine and clear skies ahead.
What is it about the first promise of spring that always makes me feel alive and kicking, as if I can actually deal with the world and all its problems again. When you first get your claustrophobic toes out of those (albeit fashionable) boots and into peep toe's. When you have that first Pedi done, put some gel on your toes and voila!
I feel so alive, I feel like cooking, cleaning, throwing the shutters open and inviting friends for dinner, eaten outside on the veranda, Italian style. I want to take my kids to the park, kick around some balls, go on prolonged island vacations, sip pinna colada's...
A part of me will always love winter, probably the Dutch bit used to snow, boots, layers and eating cauldrons of soup, but there is a bigger part of me (hoping its French, my granny is a descendent of the French Huguenots) that just lives for summer, that gets very excited when the radio proclaims that it will be a bright, bright sunshiny day. When it is 33 degrees outside, I am at my happiest. Although not much of a swimmer, I love sitting on the beach with a good book.
And the kids, poor Liam really outgrew his winter wardrobe this year, his pants are all sitting above his ankles, his shirts reveal a very cute little belly button. Luka does not realise that she has feet! The poor thing has only ever in her life worn baby grows and vests, and socks, and hats. Just thinking of summer and Liam in shorts and Luka in clam diggers, bare feet, sun hats, sunscreen, ice cream.
Flip flops, spaghetti strap tops, French manicures, blond foil highlights, Savannah lights, white linen pants, dining outside, windows wide open, tepid showers, floral perfumes, thunderstorms, rain, barbeques, lazy outside brunches, oh bring it on!
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